Kung Hei Fat Choy!!

A fab Sunday was had in Manchester's China town with friends celebrating the Chinese new Year of the Horse, which is Skyla's year.

It was the best one yet! 

Above is Harvey Nicks' amazing window display, photo's don't give it justice.

The streets were decorated with lanterns and were heaving with crowds of people chasing the dragon and lion dancers.

Ah and we were so lucky!
 The dragon and lion seemed to following us not the other way around and came into the restaurant we were in to eat it's lucky lettuce!!
The dancing is so full of energy, I love it!

Then we went into the fantastic Manchester city art gallery which is on the edge of China town to see the last day of the Grayson Perry exhibition, 

( which is amazing!  and so fascinating, if you ever get a chance to see it as it tours round do! 
The documentary that goes with the exhibition is about taste, called " It's all done in the best possible taste" 
It's so interesting to see the stories and inspiration behind his tapestries, also did the Reith lectures, listen here they're great )

the lion came in to dance and eat another lettuce offering! 

( You can just see Son and Sky top middle ) 
Sky was videoing it all on her phone and the lion came right over her head and up to the screen! She was thrilled!

     nom nom nom nom .....

Goodies bought from a couple of the wonderful super markets there.

The kids were particularly intrigued by this lemon-grass drink which they all agreed looked like frog spawn! but is in the fridge chilling nicely for us to try tonight!

And to top it all my fortune cookie said
"You will be successful in your work"
Happy days!


  1. Fab photos, like you were in a different country, especially with the blue sky!! A mini holiday with smiling fortunes, how great is that :)


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